Union Hall Operations

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

As many of you have heard, Governor Newsome and Mayor Garcetti have ordered “safer at home emergency order” to slow the spread of the Coronavirus.  My office had already been planning and in contact with our tech-support and communication vendors working on secure remote access methods for all Local 44 staff to continue supporting member needs.

Anticipating a complete Nation and Statewide facility shut down of “non-essential businesses,” our Business Agent, Tobey Bays, and I, with a skeleton crew, are continuing preparations for offsite access so our respective staffs can work safely and remotely while continuing to assist our membership the best we can.

Going forward, the best way to contact your Union will be via email.  You can reach the following departments at:

businessagents@local44.org – Business Agent Department
businessoffice@local44.org – Business Office and Social Services Departments
callboard@local44.org – Callboard Department
socialservices@local44.org – Social Services and Business Office Departments
webmaster@local44.org – Web and IT Department

PLEASE be patient with response times.  There has been an enormous increase of inbound member inquires since this (truly) began last week and your Local 44 staff have done an AMAZING job helping our membership.  Please continue to monitor your emails, text messages and our website at local44.org  During this unprecedented time, your Officers and Staff will do everything in our power with the tools available to represent and help our membership during this national crisis.

It is time to hunker down and do your best to protect yourselves, family and friends.  As part of working in our industry, we are used to achieving the impossible by working together. This obstacle will be no different, we WILL succeed and we WILL get through this together.

On behalf of our Executive Board, Officers, Staff and Stewards, stay safe and healthy.


Anthony Pawluc
IATSE Local 44