Update: Mar. 11. Watching Wisconsin!

Watching Wisconsin!
If you have not heard by now, there's trouble brewing in the State of Wisconsin and it's spreading like a bad disease. The newly elected Republican Governor has put into action a plan that would strip collective bargaining rights from most public-sector unions. This move would affect those public sector employees like Teachers, Welfare workers and many other State and local employees. This is another attempt by politicians to lay blame on Public Sector Unions and the employees they represent, for the fiscal crisis facing numerous states across the nation. Or to put it bluntly, it's an oblivious move to bust the Unions! And we all know that if the Union standards are eroded, all other employee sector standards will follow. Wisconsin was the first state in the U.S. to give collective bargaining rights to workers in the public sector, this occurred in 1959. And with that move many other States followed Wisconsin's lead.

This movement is spread across the country, with newly elected Republican anti-union Governors and Legislators moving hard to eliminate working families of their rights and benefits. This is a hard slug to the bellies of the Middle Class, which has already suffered greatly over the last two decades. Remember Meg Whitman? Who campaigned hard on blaming the Unions for much of the fiscal crisis in California. Had she won, we all would be facing similar actions as Wisconsin.

The proposed legislation by Wisconsin's Governor Walker would require state workers to pay half of their Pension costs and 12.6% of their Health Care coverage. This is estimated to cost each worker an additional $2,900 per year.

Just prior to the expected vote all 14 Democratic Senators were missing on the Senate floor, which put the session short of a quorum and forced the session into an early adjournment before a vote could be taken.

I am asking all of our Union Brothers and Sisters to raise your awareness of the blatant attack that is underway against you, your family and your Union way of life. It is the right to collectively bargain that has garnered workers across the country, in every sector, and in every industry, the rights to the American dream. We must do all that it takes to protect those rights. I ask you to be vigilant, be an involved Union member. Spread the word of Unity throughout the workforce. Let your Representatives in Sacramento and Washington hear your voice! Do all that you can to defend the Union way of life. We welcome your input and suggestions.

Please remember that our yearly General Membership Meeting is on Saturday March 19th, I hope to see you there.


Ed Brown

Business Agent